Archbishop Farrell asks for your input on the future of our
Diocese & Parish.
As you may be aware, Archbishop Farrell has established a task force entitled ‘Building Hope’. The objective of the Task Force is to begin a listening process within the Diocese about how we can move forward as a parish and as a diocese. Covid-19 has not only challenged us as a church but has also provided an opportunity for positive change. As we seek to learn from our experience of the pandemic, what can we do now to ensure that we will be a vibrant faith community in 10 years’ time?
The Task Force have begun a consultation process with parishes, various groups and individuals within the diocese. Archbishop Farrell is asking you for your input. In the coming weeks a consultation questionnaire will be made available on our parish website and also on the Dublin Diocesan website. We urge you to seize this opportunity to give your input that will help shape the future of our parish and of our Diocese, as together we build hope.
We will have more information for you next weekend.