Children’s Corner

Learning to Pray the Mass

Here are some helpful and fun resources for helping your children to learn the Mass responses.



This handy sheet will help you to help your children learn the mass responses.




Having learned the Mass Responses, now let’s have some fun with the Mass Responses Worksheet




Learning to say sorry can be hard for all of us and learning the prayer by which we say sorry to GOD can also be very hard. Have some fun with Confetior Worksheet and learning to say sorry to GOD and to each other at Holy Mass.


The Creed is our statement of what we believe. It is important that we understand what we believe and why. Here is a fun worksheet for older children all about the Creed.


Where it all began


Here is an easy worksheet/colouring page on The Story of Creation



Here is the Story of Salvation, God’s plan for us to live with HIM forever in Heaven.



Children‘s Page

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Watch how Jesus taught people in the Synagouge

Our Children’s Page for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time is available here



Click here to learn all about our Saint of the Week – St Benedict.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Watch how Jesus brought a girl who had died back to  life.


Our Children’s Page for the thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time is available here.



Click here or on the picture to learn all about out saint of the Week – St Elizabeth of Portugal.




Check out this video of the story of Jesus calming the Storm – the Gospel of the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Our Children’s Page for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time  – is available here.




Our Children’s Page for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  – is available here.



Our Children’s Page for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi – The Body of Christ – is available here.



Our Children’s Page for the Solemnity of The Most Blessed Trinity is available here.



Our Children’s Page for the Solemnity of Pentecost  is available here.




Our Children’s Page for the Seventh Sunday in Easter – the Ascension of the Lord –  is available here.



Our Children’s Page for the Sixth Sunday in Easter –  is available here.




Our Children’s Page for the Fifth Sunday in Easter –  is available here.

Saint of the Week


Click here to learn all about St Aloyisus Gonzaga, our Saint of the Week.






Click here to learn all about St Germaine, our Saint of the Week.



Click here to learn all about Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, our Saint of the Week.



Click here to learn all about St Joan of Arc, our Saint of the Week.



Click here to learn all about St Bede the Venerable, our Saint of the Week.



Click here to learn all about St Isidore the Farmer, our Saint of the Week for the Seventh Sunday of Easter – the Ascension of the Lord.



Click here to learn all about Blessed Catherine of St Augustine, our Saint of the Week for the Sixth Sunday of Easter




Click here to learn all about St Zita, our Saint of the Week for the Fifth Sunday of Easter


Would you like to do something special for Mary the Mother of Jesus?

Do you think that you could learn this special prayer, if you don’t know it already?


Would you like to have some fun colouring? You can download and print a Rosary Colouring page and a picture of Our Lady Which you can print and colour in.


Have some fun solving this Word Search if you can.




Can you count the number of beads on a Rosary? How many are there?

Here is a real easy Step by Step guide to learning how to pray the Rosary, praying the Rosary as a family is a great way of getting to know all about the life of Jesus, it is like looking at the photos of HIM as He grows up.

When we pray the Rosary it is like we are looking at the pictures of Jesus while holding the hand of HIS mammy!


If you have any ideas or suggestions please get in touch, we would love to hear them. You can email them to:   We look forward to hearing from you.