Recently Deceased:
May Neill, Ashville
Paddy Kelly, Dominic’s Park
Saturday 6pm Birthday rem: Celia Howard, Johnny Fox
Anniversaries: Rita Quinn (7thA), Niall & Breda Dunne,
Christy & Lil Dalton, Michael & Delia Connolly, Michéal
`Gunner` Connolly, Stephen & Harriet Connolly, Patrick, Mary
& Declan Roche, Brendan Owens (1stA), Betty Wallis (1stA),
Ben Whelan, Molly `Mary` Rowan, Molly `Mary` Hamilton,
Cassie & Jack O’Keeffe, James Rowan, Joe & Annie Kehoe, Pat
Kehoe, Pat Flood (5th A), Dec. mem. of Flood & May families,
Joseph Martin, Patrick Stanley, Harriette Comerford, Michael &
Annie Dooley, Una Gaule, Dolores Connell Costello, John
Flanagan, John & Ellen Kirwan, Bill Kelly, Patrick `Paddy`
Quinn, Michael Eustace, Michael Rainsford, Katie & Joseph
Gumley, Patsy, Padraig & Kathleen Gumley, Rosie Smyth,
Helen O’Reilly, Kathleen McKeague, George & Ellen Waugh,
Jim Boylan, Peter & Hughie Boylan, Joe & May Kane, Nancy,
Sean & Jason Dooley, John & Maggie Hoare, Bill & Pat Hoare,
May, Noel, John & Ann Murphy, Ted & Rita Ward, Kathleen
Mackey, Betty Cusack, Pat Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, Kathy
Brown, Mary Hyland, Marjorie Austen, Kitty Byrne, Doris
Pratt, Bernadette Thompson, Maureen Coyle, Dec. mem. of
Kane & Hoare families, Frank Honer, David Whittle, Sarah &
John Davis, Barney & Elizabeth Doyle, Leo Delaney, Dec.
mem. of Bowen family, Owen, Kitty & Julia McDonald, Robert
& Mary Byrne, & dec mem of Byrne family, Tom, Simon &
Nancy Byrne, Maureen, John & tom Byrne, Jimmy Stynes
Sunday 9am Barrowhouse: Bridget Howe, James & Angela
Davis, Theo & Bridie Davis, PJ & Joan Davis, John & Margaret
Grufferty, Adam Davis, Boby Smithers, Mary & Thomas Davis
10.30 am: Birthday rem: Bessie Casey
Month Mind: Owen McDonald
Anniversaries: Michael & Annie Dooley, Edward Whelan, Jack
Redmond, Brendan Owens (1st A), Molly `Mary` Hamilton, Jack
& Cassie O’Keeffe, Joseph & Julia Martin, Sr. Carmel Condron,
Ciaran Condron, Ellen Fingleton, Bill Kelly, Theresa & Willie
Dooley (4thA), Peter Fleming, Elizabeth Lawlor, Dec. mem. Of
Murphy & Lawler families, Celia Howard, Johnny Fox, Paddy
Casey, Geoff, Ellen & Gavin Eastwood, Teresa & Sam Hallows,
PJ & Nellie Bowden, Ger Molloy, Liam Hughes, Dec. mem. of
Davis family, Kathleen Haskins, Dec. residents of Woodstock
St., Minches Tce. & St. Martins’s Tce. Michael & Ned Ryan
12.00 noon: Anniversaries: Brendan Owens (1stA), Maurice &
Francis Kane, Joseph & Julia Martin, Maura McCauley, Liam
Reid (21st A), Dolores Connell Costello, Molly `Mary `Hamilton
Joe & Kathleen Gibbons, Peg Hempenstall (5thA), Mike Breslin
Mon. 9.30 am: Christopher & Mary Cleary, Dec. mem. Of
Cleary & Troy families, Niall & Breda Dunne, John Martin
Finnan, Theresa & Willie Doody (4th A), Special Intention
Tues. 9.30 am: Bridie Flanagan, Joe McNamara, Ellen
Bastable, Anne Stanisan, Special Intention
Wednes. 9.30 am: Mary Ellen Flanagan, Margaret & Tony
Doyle, James & Eileen Hanratty, Special Intention, Mary
Moran (25thA), Liam Reid
Thur. 9.30 am: Denis Chanders, Michael & Mary Doyle,
Denis J, Bríd & Sean Delaney, Fr. Manus Lyons,
Special Intention
Friday 9.30 am: Patrick & Anne Farrell, Margo Heskin,
Ann Rigney, Martin Rigney, Patrick & Paddy Quinn,
Michael & Sadie Eustace, Holy Souls, Special Intention
Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.