Mass Intentions

Published on July 5, 2021

Recently Deceased:
Peter Whelan, Clonmullion
Christy ‘Kit’ Pender, Bert

Saturday 6pm Vigil: Months mind:
Fr. Andrew Kane, Anthony Lawler

Tom Smith, Patrick `Whack` Mulhall, Dec.
mem of Mulhall & Broohan families, Jackie
Murphy (4th Anniv.), Dec. mem of Murphy
family, Danny Kane (5th Anniv.), Mary
`Dolly` Phillips (4th Anniv.), John `Jack`
Phillips, Andrew, Ellen, Michael & James
Doogue, Dec. members of Doogue family,
Kathleen Mulhall, Percy Pink, Margaret
Broderick, Breda Brennan, Nora Dalton

9 am Barrowhouse:
10.30 am Shared Mass
Months Mind: Fr. Andrew Keane
Anniversaries: Tom Smith, Susan Page,
Susan Roycroft, Mary `Dolly` Phillips, John
`Jack` Phillips, Andrew, Ellen, Michael &
James Doogue, Dec. mem of Doogue family,
Carmel Cahalane, Mary Cahalane, Nora Dalton, Jack & Margaret Murphy, Mary & Jim
O’Mara, Brendan Murphy, John Kilfeather,
Noonie Heatherley, Tom Harris, Dec. mem
of Harris Family

12.30 pm Anniv: Robert Redmond (1st Ann),
Susan Roycroft, Stephen Doyle (2nd Anniv.),
Mary `Dolly` Phillips, John `Jack` Phillips

Monday 9.30 am: Tom Smith, George &
Winnifred Aldridge, Mary `Dolly` Phillips,
John `Jack` Phillips

Tuesday 9.30 am: Anne & William Doyle, Pat
Fennin, May, Joe & Padraig Healy, Nell &
Michael McCormack, Special Intention,
John Cahill (Birthday Rem.) Tom Harris,
Dec. mem of Harris Family

Wednesday 9.30am: Ann Foley (1st Anniv.)
Donor Intention, Thanksgiving

Thursday 9.30 am: James Dayton, Betty
Connell, May Lalor

Friday 9.30 am: Pat Spollen, Donor’s Intention