Mass Intentions

Published on May 4, 2021


Recently Deceased:

Kathleen Stynes, Ballyroe,

Barney Deay, Balitore,

Jim McEvoy, Leinster St. Funeral at 11 am Monday. Burial in New St. Michael’s Cemetery

Saturday 6 pm:

Months Mind: Dermot Goulding, Kathleen Whelan nee Fitzpatrick, Mary Foley nee O’Connor


Deirdre Mulhall Reynolds, Deceased members of Mulhall & Brohoon families, Patrick `Sonny` Maloney (1st Anniv.), Tom Kelly, P.J. Keegan, Johnny Whelan, Simon Ludlow, Dec members of Ludlow & Brennan families, Delia Connolly, Martina Kilbride, Kathleen Fingleton, Jack Kelly, Eileen `Nellie` Dooley, Jim Murphy, Patrick Buggle, Michael & Julia Hurley, Michael & Julia Raggett, Eddie Raggett,

10.30 am Mass

Months Mind :

Marie Caffrey, Maureen Quinn


Aidan Howe, Patrick `Sonny` Maloney, (1st Anniv.), Delia & Michael Connolly, P.J. Keegan, Johnny Whelan, John Walsh, Stephen Taylor (2nd Anniv.), Kathleen Fingleton, Dec. members of Fingleton & Murphy families, Caroline Prendergast (4th Anniv.), Eileen `Nellie` Dooley, Jim Murphy, Dec. members of the Doyle & Martin families, Brid Heffernan, Mary O’Neill, Edith Tierney, Elizabeth & Andrew Mulhare, Dec members of Buggle Family, Mattie Bell, Mag Curtis Bell

Mon: 9.30 am:

Month’s mind: Mary Foley nee O’Connor, Pat Pender (Anniv.), Special Intention

Tues 9.30 am: James `Jim` McEvoy, Edmond Loughman (1st Anniv.) Brid Heffernan, Mary O’Neill,


Wednesday  9.30am: Special Intention

Thursday 9:30am: Golden Book

Friday 9:30am: Altar List of the Dead