Mass Intentions

Published on June 5, 2021

Recently Deceased: James ‘Dom’ Kelly, Dooley’s Tce.
Funeral Mass tomorrow, Monday at 12.30 pm. Burial in
New St. Michael’s Cemetery.
Baby Joseph William McHugh, Greenhills


Saturday 6pm Vigil
Months Mind: John Keogh, Jim McEvoy
Anniversaries: Mark Carroll, Veronica
McConville, John Flanagan, John & Ellen
Kirwan, Patrick May, Des Howard, Micheál
O’Neill, Mary Eaton, Edel Foley (5th Anniv.),
Thomas Casey, Dec. members of Foley family,
Brian & Sheila Kelly, Leo Byrne, Delia Black,
Mary Whelan, Michael Shortell (15th Anniv),
Birthday Remembrance: Daniel Foley

10.30 am Shared Mass
Veronica McConville, Cyril Osborne, Joseph &
Ellen Bergin, David Bach, Ann Deering, Micheál
O’Neill, Thomas Casey, Ambrocia Vicente, Joe
Butler, Tom & Claire Broughall, Patrick Smyth,
Fr. Padraig O’Saoraí, Noel Byrne, Dec mem of
Thorpe & Hennessy Families, Michael Dooley

12.30 pm Anniversaries:
Patricia Doyle (1st Anniv.), Michael O’Neill,
Basia iMarian Jankowski, Thomas Casey,
Ambrocia Vicente, Julia Fleming, Donal &
Margaret Kennedy, Fr. Padraig O’Saoraí, Pat
Gilligan (Remb) Kathleen O’Keeffe (Rec. Dec.)

Monday: 11 am: Month’s mind: John Keogh,
Anniv: Michael Brady, Ann Deering, Jackie
Johnson, Dec. mem of Johnson family, Pat

Tuesday 9.30 am: Cyril Osborne, Ita Moran

Wednesday 9.30am: Martin Mullin, James &
Eileen Hanratty, Gay Coffey, James

Thursday 9.30 am: Tony Byrne

Friday 9.30 am: Joan Rice, Michael Smyth,
Eileen Mahon, Ann Murphy