Mass Intentions Sunday 10th October

Published on October 11, 2021

Recently Deceased:
Mary Brennan, Bellview, Athy

Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Month’s mind:
Dympna O’Flaherty (10th), May & Joe O’Neill,
Des & Micheál O’Neill, Gertrude & Michael
Ramsbotton, Bridget & Edward Timpson, Tim
O’Sullivan, Ann & John Wall, Philomena
Murphy, Margarete Murphy, Paddens Murphy,
Andy `Na` Owens, Henry Kelly, James Maher,
Baby Freya Polly Huckstepp, Maureen Dalton
(4th A), Elizabeth Moran, Karan Ayres, Thomas,
Bridget & Declan Ayres, Esther & Stephen
Leonard, Dec. members of Leonard family,
Joseph & Mary Murphy, Eddie Kenny, Tom

9 am Barrowhouse:
Joseph Murphy, Margaret McDonald, Kevin

10.30 am
Month’s mind: Martin Cunningham
Mary O’Sullivan (1stA), Margaret & Matthew
Kearney, Patricia Ruske (11th A), Ann & John
Wall, Philomena Molloy, Richard Walsh, Kate
Sourke (1st A), Charlie Sourke, Sis, Bill & Billy
Tierney, Nellie & Charlie Sourke, Martin
Behan, Elizabeth Moran, Molly Doogue, Mick
Bolger, Paul Stynes, Patrick Stynes, Baby Freya
Polly Huckstepp, Maguraete & Paddens
Murphy, Edward Doyle, James & Mary Tallon,
Mary Moran , Christopher Myles, Sr. Martha
Myles, Elizabeth Butler, Paddy Gleeson,
Johnny Mulhall, Elizabeth Bannon, Neddy

12.30 pm
Month’s mind:
Mary O’Sullivan (1stA), Joseph McDermot,
Joseph & Mary McDermot, Martina Kilbride,
Dec. members of McDermot & Roche families,
John, Elizabeth & Jodi Bannon, Peter McCann

Monday 9.30 am: Kevin Bowden

Tuesday 9.30 am: Thomas Stewart, Jack
Webster and Deceased members of the Webster

Wednesday 9.30: Maureen Dalton (4th A), Mary
Murphy, Dec. mem. Of Murphy family, Agnes

Thursday 9.30 am:

Friday 9.30 am: Annie & Tommy Whelan,