Recently Deceased:
Philip Eustace, Bridge View, Tyrrelstown.
Funeral tomorrow, Monday at 11am to Newlands
Cross cemetery
Saturday 6pm
Month’s mind:
Seamie Lawler, Josie Dooley
John Kavanagh, Christy Mutt Myles, Alice &
Michael Piert, Michael Piert Jnr. Dec. members of
Piert family, Pat Dunne, Tom, Sid & Brian Kelly,
Des Flynn (4th A), Margaret, Thomas & John
Flynn, Dec. members of Phillips & Flynn
families, Dec. members of Johnson family, Mary
Heneryck nee McEvoy, Rita & Jerry McGrath,
Murt Condron, Michael Carolan, John Dalton
(1st A), John, Katy & Maureen Kelly, Kathleen
Stewart, Peter & Ann Redmond, Robert
Redmond, Norman Glynn, Joe & May Kane,
Nancy, Sean & Jason Dooley, John, Maggie, Bill
& Pat Hoare, May, Noel, John & Ann Murphy,
Ted Ward, Kathleen Mackey, Betty Cusack, Pat
Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, Mary Hyland,
Marjorie Austin, Doris Platt, Bernadette
Thompson, Maureen Coyle, Dec. members of
Kane & Hoare families, Frank Honer, David
Whittle, Terry Farrell, Mollie & Edward Walsh,
Pat Mulhall, Kathleen Bowan, Dec mem of
Bowan Family, John, Julia &Kathleen Walsh
9 am Barrowhouse:
10.30 am Anniversaries:
Margaret Bergin, Alice & Michael Piert, Michael
Piert Jnr., Dec. members of Piert family, Murt
Condron, Nora Ging, Baby Anthony Foley (5th
A), Dec. members of Foley & Reid families,
Kathleen Stewart, Sr. Assumpta Bolger, Norman
Glynn, John Myles, Elizabeth Butler, Kathllen
Bowen, Dec mem of Bowen Family, Nancy, Julia
& Michael Ryan, Peggy Lutrell, Paddy & Nancy
12.00 noon Anniversaries:
Alice & Michael Piert, Michael Piert Jnr, Dec.
members of Piert family, Peter Webberley,
Bridget Connell, Kathleen Stynes (1st A),
Kathleen Stewart, Nanny Burke
Monday 9.30 am:
Tony Doyle (Birthday Rem), James Roycroft,
Special Intention
Tuesday 9.30 am: Sr. Assumpta Bolger, Successful
Wednesday 9.30 am: Special Intention
Thursday 9.30 am: Maisie Kelly, Vincent Lyne,
Special Intention
Friday 9.30am: Attracta Flanagan, Mary
O’Rourke, Paddy Joe O’Rourke, Jimmy Bradbury