MASS INTENTIONS – Sunday 1st August

Published on August 16, 2021

Recently Deceased:
Breda Harris, Kilberry. Reception of
remains, today, Sunday, at 7 pm. Funeral
Mass on Monday at 1 pm following to
Mount Jerome.
Remembering Sinead Ni Nuallain (former
teacher in Athy) who did in January, and
whose funeral took place in Graiguecullen
Saturday 6pm Vigil: Month’s mind:
Peter Whelan. Christy `Kit` Pender
Mick Kelly, Paddy Horan, Mary Dempsey
nee Conway, Dec. mem of Dempsey &
Conway families, Annie McManus, Margaret
Deegan, Josie Maher, Dec. members of
Maher family, Eileen Brophy, Nancy Dooley,
Sean & Jason Dooley, . May & Joe Kane,
John Hoare, Maggie, Bill &Pat Hoare, May,
Noel, John & Ann Murphy, Ted Ward,
Kathleen Mackey, Betty Cusack, Pat
Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, Mary Hyland,
Marjorie Austin, Doris Platt, Dec. mem of
Kane & Hoare families, Maureen Power,
Alice Dooley, Michael `Spud` Dooley, Ursula
Birthday Remembrance: Paddy Cahill Snr.

9 am Barrowhouse: Patrick & Theresa
Brennan, John & Margaret Grufferty
10.30 am
Anniversaries: Paddy Horan, John Carr (!st
Anniv.), Brendan Carr, Mary Dempsey, Dec.
mem of Dempsey & Conway families,
Patrick & Theresa Brennan, Thomas & Sheila
Dunne, Bill McAuliffe (1st Anniv.), Brigid,
John & Ned Moore, James & Eileen O’Neill,
Mary Bergin, Estell Uttley, David Uttley,
John Moran, Annie McManus, Margaret
Deegan, Ursula Hyde (1st Anniv)
12.30 pm Anniversaries:
Mary Dempsey, Dec. members of Dempsey
& Conway families, Dan Meany, Dec. mem
of Meany family, Annie & John Nolan, Dec.
members of Nolan & Connolly families,
Annie McManus, Margaret Deegan

Monday 11.00 am: Mary Bergin, Special
Intention, Jane & John Joe Murphy
Tuesday 9.30 am: John, Joseph, Jack & Peggy
Maher, Eileen Brophy, Special Intention
Wednesday 9.30am: Special Intention,
Donor’s Intention, Kevin Hamilton, Norman
Glynn (Birthday Remembrance)
Thursday 9.30 am: Golden Book
Friday 9.30 am: Altar List of the Dead