Recently Deceased:
John O’Neill, Dooley’s Tce. Reception of remains
Sunday at 6 pm. Funeral Mass Monday, at 11am.
Burial in new St. Michael’s.
Mary Robinson, Townspark. Reception and
Funeral on Wednesday at 11am. Burial in New
St Michael’s Cemetery.
Saturday 6pm
Month’s mind:
Daniel ‘Dan’ Foley, Charlie McDonnell
Anniversaries: Tom Kelly, Sheila & Brian Kelly,
Patrick` Pa` May, Rose Campbell, Andy Doyle,
Eamon McCauley, Laurence Doyle, John
Shaughnessy, Patrick & Esther Supple, Brian
Kelly, Brigid Luttrell, Joe Kane, Mary Kane,
Nancy, Sean & Jason Dooley, John, Maggie, Bill
& Pat Hoare, May, Noel, John & Ann Murphy,
Ted Ward, Kathleen Mackey, Betty Cusack, Pat
Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, Mary Hyland,
Marjorie Austen, Doris Platt, Bernadette
Thompson, Maureen Coyle, Dec. members of
Kane & Hoare families, Frank, Honer, & David
Whittle, Mary Eaton, John & Elizabeth Lawlor
Birthday remembrance: Edward Perse
9 am Barrowhouse:
Albert & Marion Prendergast, Elizabeth Rigney
10.30 am Anniversaries:
Thomas & Marcella Whelan, Eamon McCauley,
John Shaughnessy (1st A), Carmel Cahalane,
Mary Patricia Cahalane, John & Elizabeth Lawlor,
Peter & Katie O’Connell, Dec mem of O’Connell
& Nester Families, Rose Campbell
Daniel Dobbyn (Recently Deceased)
12.00 noon Anniversaries:
John Luttrell, Lizzie Kelly (7th A), Alicja
Sliwinska, Breda Flynn, Joe Prior, John &
Elizabeth Lawlor
Monday 9.30 am:
Month’s mind: Charlie McDonnell
Alicja Sliwnska, Special Intention, Thanksgiving,
Mary Eaton Birthday rem: Annie ‘Biddy’ Nolan
Tuesday 9.30 am: Lizzie Kelly (7th A), Alicja
Sliwinskia, Agnes Ryan
Wednesday 9.30 am: John Flanagan, John & Ellen
Kirwan, Alicja Sliwinska, Rose Keegan (Birthday
rem) Rose Heavy, Sheila Melia
Thursday 9.30 :am Joan Kingston, Bill Horgan,
Patrick & Dora O’Donoghue, Eileen McCarthy,
Betty Redmond, Mary Cannon (2ndA), Alicja
Sliwinska, Sean Kiely
Friday 9.30 am: Altar List of the Dead