Recently Deceased:
Mary Morrin, Carbery Park,
Saturday 6pm
Month Mind: Tommy Buckley, Mary Bolger nee
Roy & Michael Thomas, Jean Burrow nee Kavanagh,
Joan Cahill, Josephine ‘Jo’ Owens (16th Anniv),
Dermot Goulding, Dolores Butler, Joseph & Rose
Phillips, Bill & Mary Phillips, Judy & Johnny Connell,
Thomas, Margaret , Des & John Flynn, Dec mem of
Flynn & Johnson, Bill Anderson (1st Anniv), Mary,
John & William Richardson, Jim & Brigid Bolger, Tom
Shaw (2nd anniv), Jack Kelly, Brian & Sheila Kelly,
Patrick ‘Patsy’ Kelly (10th Anniv), Judy Mahon, Dec
mem of Mahon Family, John & Kathleen Hyland, Kevin
Fitzgerald (anniv), Maisie English (5th Anniv), John &
Margaret Breen, Peggy Hicks, Maureen Ryan, (Birthday
Rem), Martin & Bridget Quinn, Michael & Noel Quinn,
Helen Lawler, Kathleen, Manix & Bernadette
9 am Barrowhouse: Mary Brennan (6th Anniv)
10.30 am:
Josephine ‘Jo’ Owens (16th Anniv), William, Brigid &
Ellen Kelly, Michael Mullery, Dermot Goulding,
Doleres Butler, Barney Day, Eddie Dempsey (12th
Anniv), Tom Shaw (2nd Anniv), Martin Murray
(Remembrance), Kevin Fitzgerald (19th Anniv), John &
Margaret Brennan, Peggy Hicks, Maureen Dalton
(Birthday Rem) Kathleen, Manix & Bernadette
Thompson, Lil Murphy, Brigid Murphy, James Hayden,
Nora Dalton (Birthday Remembrance), Eileen Brock,
Eddie Owens, Tony Poole, Special Intention
12.00 noon:
Anniversaries: Kathleen Whelan (2nd Anniv)
Mollie Maher (2nd Anniv) & Rem: Kevin Maher,
Kathleen Logan nee Maher, Josephine ‘Jo’ Owens (16th
Anniv), Edward Murphy, Tom Shaw (2nd anniv) John
& Margaret Breen & Peggy Hicks, Christy Johnson (3rd
Anniv) Kathleen, Manix & Bernadette Thompson
Monday 9.30 am:
Souls in Purgatory, Special intention, Donors Intention
Tuesday 9.30 am: Josephine ‘Jo’ Owens (16th Anniv),
Special Intention, Christy Johnson, (3rd Anniv),
Fr. Philip Dennehy, (Birthday Rem),
Wednesday 9.30 am:
Sheila Carton, Patrick Myles, Dec mem of Myles
Family, Tom, Mary Nolan & Dec mem of Nolan
Family, Special Intention, Mary Murphy (Rec Dec.)
Thursday 9.30 am:
John Hayden,
Friday 9.30 am: Mary Bolger nee Prince, Dec mem of
Mulhall Family, Donors Intention