Mass Intentions Sunday 28th February 2022

Published on February 28, 2022

Recently Deceased:
Margaret ‘Peggy’ Doyle nee O’Leary, Grayslands

Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Month’s mind:
Joe Doyle, Bridget Doyle, Patrick & Daniel
O’Brien, Christy Brogan, Dec. mem of Brogan
family, Dec. mem of Brophy family, Carmel &
Gay Crevan, Margaret & Clair Phillips,
Dec. mem of Phillips family, Josie & Joe Luttrell,
Pearse Dunne, Tom McEvoy, Cyril McGovern,
Annie & Willie Hutchinson, Lily Vaughan, John
Foley (1st A),Patrick `Cuddy` Chanders (42 nd
A), Jane Chanders (35th A), Dec. mem of
Chanders & Dunne families, Mary Owens, John
Foley, Dec. members of Foley family, William &
Alice Myles, Lucy Bannon nee Harris, Vivienne
Anderson (10th A), Benny Dowling (3rd A),
George Roche, Mary Roche, Kathleen Kelly,
Padraig Gately, Paul Foley, Peter Brereton, Esther
Brereton, Jane Radziuniene,

9 am Barrowhouse:

10.30 am
Mamie Brady, Winifred Cunningham, Elizabeth
Lawlor, John Foley (1st A), Mary Owens, Patrick
`Cuddy` & Jane Chanders, Lucy Bannon nee Harris,
William & Alice Myles, Elizabeth Myles, Mary
Moran, Vivienne Anderson (10th A), May Dooley,
Paddy, Eleanor & Pat Dooley

12.00 noon
Month’s mind: Maureen Robinson
Annie Powell, Mamie Brady, John Foley 1st A),
Mary Owens, Patrick `Cuddy` & Jane Chanders,
William Myles, Vivienne Anderson (10th A)

Monday 9.30 am: Margaret McHugh, Dec. members of
McHugh family, Joe Taaffe, Elizabeth Brennan
Michael Bride, Annie Hutchinson, Dec mem of
Hutchinson Family, Special Intention, Donors

Tuesday 9.30 am: Joe Doyle, Bridget Doyle, Matthew
Carroll (26th anniv), Billy Ryan, Thanksgiving
Special Intention

Wednesday 9.30 am: Maura Coughlan -Rec. Dec.
Patrick Byrne, Billy, Elizabeth &
Patrick Farrelly,
Birthday remembrance: Patrick Kelly

Wednesday 7.30 pm: Special Intention

Thursday 9.30 am: Golden Book

Friday 9.30 am: Altar List of the Dead