Recently Deceased;
Phillip O’Brien, Portlaoise and formerly Foxhill.
Anne Jankins nee Hegarty, late of Geraldine Rd.
died in England
Saturday 6pm Month’s mind: Derek Donohue
Birthday rem: Abiodun ‘Abbey’ George,
100th Birthday Rem. of James Kirby
Anniversaries: Bridget & Joe Doyle, Dec. mem.
of Heffernan family, Mary Scally, Pat Farrell nee
Dunne, Patrick Nolan, Ellen & Owen Scully, Dec.
mem. of Scully family, Peg Nolan, Tony & Dom
Foley, Dec. mem. of Foley family, Mary Maher
(5th A), Dec. mem. of Mulhall & Maher families,
John Finnan, Ambrose Martin, Dec. mem. of
Doyle & Martin families, Noel Forde (5th A),
James & Maura Anthony, Dom Dunlea, Derry
Matthiaa nee May (1st A) Rosanna & Michael
O’Connor, Winifred & Patrick Neil, Mary `Molly `
Bramwell, Helen Lawler (1st A), Tomas Mv. Jack
& Margaret Murphy, Mary & Jim O’Mara,
Brendan Murphy, John Kilfeather, Nonie
Heatherley, Patricia Kelly, Bridget Nolan
9 am Barrowhouse: Joe `Jimmer` Maher, Cillian
10.30 am: Anniversaries: Mary Joyce, Patrick
Mullery, Pat Farrell nee Dunne, Pat Sheridan,
Liam Ring, Dec. mem. of Sheridan & Ring
families, Peg Nolan, Mary Maher, (5th A), John
Finnan, Ambrose Martin, Dec. mem. of Martin &
Doyle families, Declan O’Toole, Herbert Tottle,
Dec. mem. of Hennessy family, Mary `Molly`
Bramwell, Helen Lawler (1st A), Jimmy Doyle,
Darby & Annie Delaney, James Geraghty, Mary
Anne & Patrick Carr, Brendan & John Carr,
Patrick Carr Jnr. Tomas Lynch, John & Annie
Doogue, William Webb, Patricia Kelly, Jack &
Margaret Murphy, Mary & Jim O’Mara, Brendan
Murphy, John Kilfeather, Nonie Heatherley,
Patricia Kelly
12.00 noon Birthday rem: Abiodun George
Anniversaries: Frank Webb, Robbie Robinson,
William Webb, Baby Webb, Dympna Murtagh,
Peg Nolan, Elizabeth Fitzsimons, Dec. mem. of
Fitzsimons family, Mary Maher (5th A), John
Finnan, Ambrose Martin, Dec. mem. of Doyle &
Martin families, Derry Matthiaa nee May (1st A),
Mary `Molly `Bramwell, Helen Lawler (1st A),
James `Jim` Conroy, Darby & Annie Delaney, Alf
& Bridie Kane, Gus Prendergast, Jack & Margaret
Murphy, Mary & Jim O’Mara, Brendan Murphy,
John Kilfeather, Nonie Heatherley, Patricia Kelly,
Baby Mulhall
Monday 9.30 am: Michael & Margaret Byrne, Noel
Forde (5th A), Mary `Molly ` Bramwell, Paul Doyle
Tuesday 9.30 am: Bridget & Joe Doyle, Joseph
Wright, Patrick Nolan, Frances O’Brien, Patricia
7.30 pm Patricia Kelly
Wednesday 9.30 am: Altar List of the Dead
Thursday 9.30 am: Special Altar List of the Dead
Friday 9.30 am: Altar list of the Dead