Mass Intentions Sunday 31st July 2022

Published on July 31, 2022

Recently Deceased:
Moira Bolger nee Walsh, McDonnell Drive

Saturday 6pm
Month’s mind:
Tom Smith, Claire Dunne, Annie & Michael
Tuohy, Breda Harris (1st A), Jimmy Harris, Josie
Maher, Dec. members of Maher family, Eileen
Brophy, Honora Deere, Paddy Deere, Kevin
Hamilton, Patrick & Annie McManus, James
Prendergast, Brian & Sheila Kelly, Joe Kane, May
Kane, Nancy, Sean & Jason Dooley, John, Maggie,
Bill & Pat Hoare, May, Noel, John & Ann
Murphy, Ted Ward, Kathleen Mackey, Betty
Cusack, Pat Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, May
Hyland, Marjorie Austen, Doris Pratt, Bernadette
Thompson, Maureen Coyle, Dec. members of
Kane & Hoare families, Frank Honer, David
Whittle, Joseph Dooley (46th A), Alice Dooley
(9th A), Michael `Spud` Dooley (9th A)
Birthday remembrance: Ronan Friel, Carrie
Robinson, Frank Webb

9 am Barrowhouse: Christy Barry

10.30 am Anniversaries:
Mary Dempsey, Annie & Michael Tuohy, Paddy
Horan, John ‘Jack’ Foley, Mick Kelly, Christy
Barry, Josie Fenlon, Dec. mem of Fenlon family,
John, Bridget & Ned Moore, Mary Luttrell, Phil
Mooney, Phil Mooney, Edmond Loughman, Tracy
Wright, Aaron Scriver, Donor Intention, Special

12.00 noon Anniversaries:
Annie & Michael Tuohy, Patrick & Annie
McManus, Christy Barry, Ursula Hyde, John
Hyde, Michael & Mary Hughes, Daniel Meany,
Dec members of Meany Family, Dec members of
Nolan & Connolly Family, Tom Walsh, Special

Monday 9.30 am: Paddy Horan, Special Intention

Tuesday 9.30 am: Mary Dempsey, Josie, John, Jack
& Peggy Maher, Eileen Brophy, Mary Bergin

Wednesday 9.30 am: Special Intention, Edward
Brennan (40th Anniv), Margaret Brennan, Tony,
John & Michael Brennan, Betty & Paddy Brennan

Thursday 9.30 am: Golden Book

Friday 9.30 am: 1st Friday of the Month
Altar List of the Dead