Mass Intentions Sunday 3rd July 2022

Published on July 3, 2022

Recently Deceased:
John O’Neill, Dooley’s Tce.
Mary Robinson, Townspark
Dolores Day nee Finn, formerly of Woodstock
St., who died in London

Saturday 6pm
Month’s mind: Áine Costello nee Dennehy
Tom Smith, Patrick `Whack` Mulhall, Dec. mem
of Mulhall & Brohoon families, Christopher `Kit`
Pender, Dolly Phillips (5th A), Jack Phillips, Brian
& Sheila Kelly, Jackie Murphy (5th Anniv),
Danny Kane, Bertie Kelly, Noel Mulqueen,
Andrew, Ellen, James & Michael Doogue, Dec.
mem of Doogue family, Anne & Thomas King,
James & Mary Eaton, Gretta Fennelly, Carmel

9 am Barrowhouse: Leo Mulhare

10.30 am
Recently Deceased: Maureen Brennan nee
Higgins, Chicargo & formally Ardreigh, Athy
Anniversaries: Susan Page, Lar & Elizabeth
Tynan, Patrick Havens, Dolly Phillips (5th A),
Jack Phillips, John Finnan, Noel Mulqueen,
Andrew, Ellen, James & Michael Doogue, Patrick
& Mary Ann Carr, Percy Pink, Dec. mem of
Broderick family, Tom & Bridie Harris, Dec mem
of Harris Family, Anne & Thomas King, Norah
Dalton, Maggie & Phil Mooney, Sr. Paschal, Sr.

12.00 noon
Anniversaries: Robert Redmond (2nd A), Alicja
Sliwinska, Ger Robinson, John Peters (14th A)
Denis Whelan, Jackie Murphy (5th A), Percy Pink,
Dec. members of Broderick family, Anne &
Thomas King, Joseph Jacob Chakkarama Kil,
Birthday remembrance: John Harris

Monday 9.30 am: Tom Smith, Alicja Sliwinska,
Susan Roycroft, Tom & Bridie Harris, Donors

Tuesday 9.30 am: George & Winifred Aldridge,
Dolly Philips (5th A), Donors Intention

Wednesday 9.30 am: Ann & William Doyle, Joan
Murphy, Bill Brennan

Thursday 9.30: am Golden Book

Friday 9.30 am: Betty Connell, James Dayton,
May Lalor (18th A), Donors Intention