Recently Deceased:
Charlie McDonnell, Kilberry
Moling’ Mono’ Gahan, Woodstock Close
Reception & Funeral Mass tomorrow, Monday, at
11am followed by cremation in Mount Jerome
Saturday 6pm Month’s mind:
Patrick, Mary & Des Howard, Patrick & Rose
Phillips, Tom Phillips, Dec. mem of Flynn
Family, Phillips & Johnson families, Thomas &
Julia Nolan, Michael Doogue, Julia Nolan Jnr.,
Tom Casey, Nel McEvoy, Edel Foley (6th A),
Ann & Arthur Murphy, Dec. members of Murphy
family, Winifred Cunningham, Micheál O’Neill,
Leo Byrne, Peter & Kate Byrne, Delia Byrne,
Mary Whelan, Patricia Ruske, Mary Bennett, Dec.
members of the Foley family, Fr. Padraig
O’Saoraí, Sheila & Brian Kelly, Mary Foley,
Dec mem of Foley Family, Special Intention
Birthday remembrance: Dan Foley, Joe O’Neill
9 am Barrowhouse:
10.30 am Anniversaries:
Ann Deering, Edel Foley (6th A), Ann & Arthur
Murphy, Dec. members of the Murphy family,
Winifred Cunningham, Patricia Doyle (2nd A),
Elizabeth Lysak, Micheál O’Neill, Matt & Mary
Lawler Snr. & Jnr., John, Sean & Ted Lawler,
Tom & Clair Broughal, Christopher Carolan
Birthday rem: Joe O’Neill
12.00 noon Anniversaries:
Patsy & Paul O’Kane, Edel Foley (6th A), Ann &
Arthur Murphy, Dec. members of Murphy family,
Winifred Cunningham, Micheál O’Neill, Leo
Byrne, Fr. Padraig O’Saoraí, John Ryan, Julia &
Michael Hurley, Michael & John Raggett, Eddie
Raggett, Mamyi Ashu, Christopher Carolan,
Alicja Sliwinska
Birthday rem: Joe O’Neill
Monday 9.30 am: Jackie Johnson. Dec. members of
Johnson family, Tomasz Oszkiwski, Donal
Kennedy, Alicja Sliwinska, Special Intention
Tuesday 9.30 am: Michael Brady, Cyril Osborne,
Ann Deering (6th A), Alicea Sliwinska,
Special Intention
Wednesday 9.30 am: Joe & Ellen Bergin, Ann &
David Bach, James Hanratty, Special Intention,
Gay Coffey, Alicja Sliwinska
Thursday 9.30 am: James McDonald, Anthony
Lawler (1st A), Alicja Sliwinska, Special Intention
Friday 9.30 am: Tony Byrne, Special Intention,
Alicja Sliwinska, Donors Intention,