Recently Deceased:
Fr. Phillip Dennehy, The Presbytery, Stanhope
Matt Leigh, Lower St. Joseph’s Tce
Carmel Conroy nee Kinsella, Raheenderragh,
Castlemitchell. Funeral Mass Monday at 11am
followed by burial in Churchtown Cemetery.
Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Month’s mind:
John Farrell, Sheila Heydon Hughes
Anniversaries: Francis Scully, Dec. members of
Scully & Reid families, Henry Kelly, Frank
English, Rosaleen Ward, Annie Foley, Dec.
members of Foley family, Bridie Hickey (8thA),
Mary Morrow, Kathleen `Dick` McMahon,
Ethena & Christopher Ludlow, Richard, Mary &
Mattie Moloney, Mary Ann McHugh, Dec mem
of McHugh family, Joe Taaffe, Elizabeth
Brennan, Kathleen & Sean O’Neill, Tommy
Deering, Hugh & Betty O’Rourke, Brian & Sheila
Kelly, Mary Lalor, Paddy Foley, Dec. mem of
Foley family, Mairead Dooley, Mary & Joe Kane,
Nancy, Sean & Jason Dooley, john, Maggie &
Bill Hoare, Mary, Noel, John & Ann Murphy,
Ted Ward, Kathleen Mackey, Pat Fitzsimons,
Martin Holohan, Betty Cusack, Mary Hyland,
Maureen Coyle, Frank Honer, Bernadette
Thompson, Marjorie Oustin, Doris Pratt Joe
Conroy, Dec mem of Kane & Hoare Family
Birthday rem: Una Gaule, Kathleen Gleeson
9 am Barrowhouse:
10.30 am
Month’s mind: Sheila Heydon Hughes
Francis Scully, Dec members of Scully & Reid
families, Micheál Behan (1stA), Frank English,
Robert `Bobbie` Mulhall, Bridie Hickey, Seanie
Sexton, Charlie & Kate Sourke, Dec. members of
Tierney & Sourke families, Bernie Curtis Kelly (6th
A), Paddy Murphy, Jimmy Curtis, Fredesvindo
Fabian, Carmelita Fabian, Merle Balino, Willie
Carthy, Martin Behan, Nellie & Charlie Sourke,
Bridget & Jimmy Behan, Jimmy Connell (20thA),
Patrick Brennan, Vareed Kachappilly
Birthday remembrance: Breda Ennis
12.00 noon
Month’s mind: Sheila Heydon Hughes
Micheál Behan (1stA), Seán McGilly (1stA), Jimmy
& Bridie Connell, Julia Lynch
Monday 9.30 am: Annie Foley, Special Intention
Donors Intention
Tuesday 9.30am: Robert `Bobbie` Mulhall
Wednesday 9.30 am: Thanksgiving, Paddy Foley, Dec.
mem of Foley family, Gay Coffey, William Coffey,
Birthday remembrance: Betty Watchorn
Thursday 9.30am:
Month’s mind: Sheila Heydon Hughes
Frances Lannigan (1st Anniv)
Friday 9.30am: Betty Farrell, Patrick Roche (1stAnniv),
James Doyle, Elizabeth O’Beirne, Eileen O’Beirne,
Micéal Kelly
Birthday remembrance: Ben Whelan