Recently Deceased:
Tony Fennell, Grayslands
Saturday 6pm Month’s mind:
Sonnie Moloney, Jim (James) McEvoy, Michael
Keogh, John Keogh, Edmond Loughman (2nd A),
Simon Luttrell, Michael Gumley, Charlotte
Dargan, Baby Nathan Dargan, Simon Ludlow,
Rita Fennelly, Joe Kane, May Kane (21st A),
Nancy, Sean & Jason Dooley, John Hoare (11th
A), Maggie, Bill & Pat Hoare, May, Noel John &
Ann Murphy, Ted Ward, Kathleen Mackey, Betty
Cusack, Pat Fitzsimons, Martin Holohan, Mary
Hyland, Marjorie Austin, Doris Pratt, Bernadette
Thompson, Maureen Coyle, Dec. mem of Kane &
Hoare families, Frank Honer, David Whittle,
Ber McStay, Donor Intention, Edward Perse, Dec
mem of Perse Family, Patrick ‘Paddy’ Kelly, Dec
mem of Kelly & Cooney Families, Mary Harris,
Winifred & Patrick O’Neill, Jane Reid & Dec
mem of Reid & Foley Families
Birthday remembrance: Mary Murphy,
Helen Lawler
9 am Barrowhouse: Josh Knowles (3rd A)
10.30 am
Month’s mind: Maura Owens
John Keogh, Edmond Loughman (2nd A), Edith
Tierney, Geraldine Kelly, Jack & Kitty Kelly,
Dec. members of Wright & Farrell families,
Fr. Peter Hickey O.P. Rose Heavy & Michael
Ryan, Gerry & Harry O’Beirne, Dec mem of
O’Beirne Family, Patrick ‘Paddy’ Kelly, Dec
mem of Kelly & Cooney Families, Tommy
Kirwin, Paddy Gleeson, Jane Reid & Dec mem of
Reid & Foley Families
Birthday remembrance: Helen Lawler
12.00 noon Anniversaries:
John Keogh, Edmond Loughman (2nd A),
Geraldine Kelly, Rose Heavey, Michael Ryan,
Jack & Kitty Kelly, Patrick ‘Paddy’ Kelly, Dec
mem of Kelly & Cooney Families
Birthday remembrance:
Mary Murphy, Helen Lawler
Monday 9.30 am: Sandra Sager nee Coburn, Rec. Dec
Tuesday 9.30 am: Jim Robinson, Special Intention
Wednesday 9.30 am: Sarah Brennan
Thursday 9.30 am: Tom Doolan, Special Intention,
Micheál Myles
Friday 9.30 am: Special Intention