Recently Deceased:
John Farrell, Forest Park
Kathleen McKeague who died in England
Roseleen McGourty, who died in Fermanagh
Saturday 6pm Vigil:
Month’s mind:
Annette Kelly, Michael Desmond, Rita Delaney,
Nancy English, Michael Mullin
Eileen Goulding, Joe & Annie Kehoe, Pat Kehoe,
Jack Keogh, Elizabeth Kenny, May Doran, Ann
Dalton, Patrick Kelly (6thA), Mary Lawler, Helen
& William Lawler, Johnny Quinn, James
McCarthy, Patrick McCarthy, Dec. members of
McCarthy family, Melanie Stynes O’Brien, George
& Catherine Roche, Helen Whelan,
John Oliver Kelly
Birthday remembrance: Peter Webberley
9 am Barrowhouse: Daniel& Mary O’Connor, Terry
Taylor, Patrick & Josephine Kelly
10.30 am
Recently Deceased: Benny Fox, late of Geraldine,
Athy, died in England
Month’s mind: Noel Ward, Nancy English
Damian McMahon, Mary Kiely, Brigid & Joseph
Byrne, Peter Byrne, Brigid & Des Moylan, Margaret
Cahill, Fr. John Heffernan (1st A), Mary Eston, Alice
`Ciss` & Bill Tierney, Billy Tierney, Charlie & Kate
Sourke, Josie Tierney, Peter Dunne, Johnny Fox (2nd
A), Mary Dooley, Thomas Tierney, Paddy Reid,
Deceased members of Reid & Foley families, Mary
Howe, Bill Kelly
12.00 noon
Month’s mind:
Joan Browne
Josie Wright, Mary Ann & John McPartland, Dec.
members of McPartland, Dec. members of Keown
Family, Robert Redmond, & Dec. members of
Redmond families, Peggy Cottrell, Brendan Doran (1st
A) , Joe & Bridie Dwyer, Dominic Stynes
Monday 9.30 am: For all who sympathised with the
family of Paddy O’Meara in their recent bereavement,
Nora & Tim Kelly, Patrick Kelly (6th A), Craig
Mahon, Birthday Intentions
Tuesday 9.30am:
Month’s mind: Michael Desmond
Anniversaries: Tom & Jean Donohue
Wednesday 9.30 am: Recently deceased: Sean Kinsella.
Baltinglass & John Doyle, Enniscorthy
Birthday remembrance: Seamus Byrne
Thursday 9.30am: Patrick Mahon
Friday 9.30am: Jimmy Connolly,
Margaret `Maggie` Kelly (10thAnniv)