
Mass Intention – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Recently Deceased:

John Murphy, Shruleen Lane., Bridget ‘Bridie’ Bolger, Barrowhouse., Dennis Curran, Skerries North, Skerries.

Saturday Vigil Mass

Athy 6pm
Month’s Mind: Mary Donnelly, Mary Gray
Anniversaries: Derek O’Donohue (1st A), Joe Carolan, Frank & Edward Fitzpatrick,…

Safeguarding Sunday 2023

Child Safeguarding Poster – Voyager FAMILY HEALTHThis Sunday, September 24th has been designated as Safeguarding Sunday, when as a Diocese, we focus on safeguarding our children and vulnerable adults. This year, the 20th Anniversary of the CSPS, in his letter to all churches in the Diocese, Archbishop Farrell says: “An anniversary…

Mass Intention – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Recently Deceased:

John Murphy, Shruleen Lane. Reception & Funeral Mass Tuesday at 11 am. Burial in New St. Michael’s Cemetery. Rena Morrin, Ballyroe Hs., Churchtown

Saturday Vigil Mass

Athy 6pm
Month’s Mind:

Birthday Remembrance: Annie Foley

Mass Intention – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Recently Deceased:
Rena Morrin, Ballitore Hs., Churchtown

Saturday Vigil Mass

Athy 6pm
Month’s Mind:

Birthday Remembrance: Delia Connolly, Stefan Clarke Perse, Joe Perse

Anniversaries: Mary Keogh, Albert Rotherham, Betty Byrne, Maureen, Kelly, Sarah `Sadie` Moore, Eileen McCluskey, Maura Hyland, Dec. members of Perse…

Mass Intention – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Recently Deceased:
Mary Gray nee Brennan, Barrowhouse, Kathleen Horan (Fr. Vincent Dempsey’s sister), Eileen Touhy, Dublin & Offaly St.

Saturday Vigil Mass

Athy 6pm
Month’s Mind: John Moran

Mai Magahran, Shelly McDonnell, Peter `P.J.` Hyland,, Dec. mem of Hyland Family, Stefano…

World Youth Day Lisbon 2023

The pilgrims who went to world youth day would like to thank all the parishioners of Athy, Barrowhouse, Kilmead, Crookstown, Ballymount, Moone and Castledermot for their support both spiritually and financially.  Thank you.

Please click on link below to see images of our pilgrimage.

World Youth Day Presentation

Mass Intention – Sunday 27th August 2023

Recently Deceased:
John Farrelly, Castledermot
Mary Donnelly, Tyrrellstown, Late of Castlemitchel
Mary Gray nee Brennan, Barrowhouse, funeral
arrangements later. Greta Loughlin

Saturday 6pm
Month’s Mind: John Kinahan
Birthday remembrance: Margaret `Peg` Moloney
Nancy Mulhall, Marian Fogarty, Mark Merlehan, Paddy
& Mary Lawler, Dina…

Mass Intentions – Sunday 20th August 2023

Saturday 6pm
Month’s Mind: Gavin Rowan, John Hamilton,
Seamus `Sham` Barry
Michael Keating (1st A), James Shiel, Mary Sheil,
Kathleen Sheil, Serge Pacos, John Anderson,(3rd
Anniv), Jack Dunne, Eamonn Farell, Kathleen Barry,
Catherine Buckley nee Curtis (18th Anniv)
Parky Kelly, John O’Neil, Sean O’Neill

Sunday 9am…

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Mass Times

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Mass Times

Monday August 14th

Church of Ss Mary & Laurence, Crookstown – 7pm Vigil Mass


Tuesday August 15th

Church of St Michael, Athy – 9:30am

Church of the Most Blessed Trinity Moone – 11am

Mass Intentions – Mass of THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD – Sunday 6th August 2023

Recently Deceased:
John Kinahan, Oaklawn
John Moran, Coney Meadows, Coneyboro, formerly

Saturday 6pm
Month’s Mind:
Annie McHugh; Joseph `Joe` Bradley
Birthday Remembrance:
Norman Glynn, John Watchorn
Anniversaries: Michael Scally, Nell & Mary
Kavanagh, Jim Kavanagh, Kevin Hamilton, Sheila
Rigney (1st A), John Murphy, Dec.…