
Mass Intentions

Recently Deceased:
Deirdre McStay, Mulleague, formerly McDonnell Dr.,
who died in England
Peter Moore, formerly Moatfield who died in England

Saturday 6pm Vigil Anniversaries: 
James Kirby, Elizabeth Hammett nee Kavanagh, Peter
Hammet Jnr., John Flanagan, John & Ellen Kirwan,
Maisie Myles, Pat Fenlon, Dec. mem of Fenlon family,

Security Notice

There was a very upsetting incident whereby a parishioner attending Mass in St Joseph’s Church in Ballymount on Sunday had her car broken into and property stolen. Last week there was a similar incident in St Michael’s Church in Athy. Please, take normal security measures when attending any of our churches; make sure your vehicle…

Mass Intentions

Recently Deceased:
Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Cusack nee Aldridge, Forest

Saturday 6 pm: Months Mind:
Kathleen Stynes, Michael Connell

Anniversaries: Teresa Campbell, Kathleen
Eaton (14th Anniv.), Elizabeth Donnelly,
Martin & Mary Gorman, Mary Foley, Mick
English (23rd Anniv.), Frank Byrne, Julia May,
Mary McCarthy, Dec. mem of McCarthy family,

Archbishop Farrell asks for your input on the future of our Diocese & Parish

Archbishop Farrell asks for your input on the future of our
Diocese & Parish. 

As you may be aware, Archbishop Farrell has established a task force entitled ‘Building Hope’. The objective of the Task Force is to begin a listening process within the Diocese about how we can move forward as a parish and…

Prayer for Exam Students

Prayer for Examination Students

Lord, as I prepare to sit my exams, send Your Holy Spirit to guide me and be with me.

Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have given me and for the opportunity of education.

Keep me calm.

Help me to do the best I can on the day…


Update on the celebration of Baptism. 

To those who are waiting for the Sacrament of Baptism in the parishes of Athy, Narraghmore & Moone, we congratulate you on the birth of your child. We know that there are many people who have been waiting for over a year to have their child baptised

We have…

Mass Intentions

Recently Deceased:
John Keogh, Coneyboro,
Mary Mollie McGrath, Bleach Cottage,
Christopher Davis, Castlemitchell,

Saturday 6 pm:
Months Mind: John Dalton,


Mass Intentions

Recently Deceased:
Jim McEvoy, Leinster St.
Dr. Enda McDermott, Dublin, formerly Old Castle, Co. Meath
Canon Ardle McMahon, former PP of Mt. Merrion,
John Keogh, Coneyboro. Funeral arrangements later

Saturday 6 pm:
Months Mind:
Rita Chatfield, Ann Kelly Murphy

Michael Keogh, Michael Dooley, Molly
Hughes, Joe…

Parish Notices for the 6th Week of Easter – May 8th & 9th


Churches re-opening with congregations:

Following the announcement by the Government of New Public Health measures we are delighted to announce that we can return to Mass with a congregation tomorrow, Monday, 10th May.

Mass Times:

Weekend Mass times in the Parish Church will resume as follows;

Saturday 6…

Reopening of Churches

Churches re-opening with congregations;

Following the announcement by the Government of New Public Health measures we are delighted to announce that we can return to Mass with a congregation tomorrow, Monday, 10th May.


Mass Times:

Weekend Mass times in the Parish Church will resume as follows;

Saturday 6 pm Vigil, 10.30 am & 12.30…