Jesus tempted off course
Jesus was brought out of the ordinary into a place where he was tempted off course with three temptations – to comfort, power, and wealth – three things that can take us over.
Money, power and comfort can lead us astray….when we want wealth, to be no. 1 and prioritise comfort in various ways. ……..
He goes back to the word of God to find strength and insight to fight off evil – to the words he learned at home, and at school.
A big source of energy for us is the word of God. On Ash Wednesday the invitation was to believe the good news. That is where we may find life and strength.
We remain in the Church because of Jesus Christ. The word of God in his gospel remains life-giving and strong. Today’s scripture shows us that temptations happen often to take us off the path. So too does the unexpected, and scandals have happened in many of the national institutions. Church life may leave us down and weak, but the spirit who kept Jesus strong in the desert will do the same for us.
A Lenten thing to do could be to
*read a bit of the gospel every day.
*Look up Sacred on the web and pray from that.
*Or Pray-as-you-go. Pray your own favourite gospels.
*Read the gospel to the children.
*Hear the word at weekday Mass or check it on: readings/ saints
*We look to the word of God to build us up as God’s children and community and find strength to use all in the service of God and others in love.
Speak your word O Lord, and we shall be the better for it.
(Gospel Reflection courtesy of