The Feast of Corpus Christi

Excerpts from The Real Presence by St. Peter Julian Eymard

This feast day of God, which the Church calls Festum Sacratissimi Corporis Christi, “Feast of the Most Sacred Body of Christ,” is the only day dedicated exclusively to the honour of His adorable Person, of His living presence in our midst.

Corpus Christi is also the most lovable of feast days. We were not present at all the mysteries of our Saviour’s life and death which we celebrate in the course of the year. We find joy in them because they are sources of grace. But on the feast of Corpus Christi, we participate in the mystery itself, which takes place under our eyes. This mystery is for us.

There is a relation of life between Jesus living in the Sacrament and ourselves living in the midst of the world: a relation of body to body. For that reason this feast is not called simply the feast of our Lord, but the Feast of the Body of our Lord: Corpus Christi. Through this Body we touch Him; through it He is our Food, our Brother and our Guest. Feast of the Body of Jesus Christ: a name as full of love as it is unpretentious and well adapted to our misery!

The Eucharist is the sun that gives light, life, and joy to the feasts of the Church.

Someone has rightly called the soul that communicates [receives Holy Communion] well and often a perpetual banquet, juge convivium. To live with Jesus in us, to live of Jesus and through Jesus is to be a tabernacle and a precious ciborium. Oh! What a joy is that of these souls, a pure and unchanging joy!

Come! Learn how to single out these days from all the others. Our Lord has His royal feast days; today is one of them. A king is a bounteous giver. Pay homage to our Lord, and He, in return, will give you everything; He will give you His very Self with a greater abundance of His graces.

This paragraph is not from the writings of St Peter Julian Eymard.

Consider for a moment the Humility of GOD, how GOD humbled Himself to not only become human, but to remain with us in the form of Bread and Wine.  “…Christ Jesus, Who, being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are; and being in every way like a human being, he was humbler yet…” (Phil.2:6-8)