The Paradox of faith

Luke links the call of the first disciples with the story of a miraculous catch of fish. In so doing he introduces us not only to Peter but also to the ‘mission of the church‘. Just as Peter’s call comes out of his experience of the power of Christ at work/ so too all who wish to be followers of Jesus must first come to know that their faith is not in a creed or a code but in a personJesus the Son of the living God/ and it is he who is the source of whatever good we may do.


Isaiah/ Paul and Peter all experienced the living God although in very different ways. Whether the experience is one of a mystical visions, an appearance of the risen Christ/ or a miraculous catch of fish/ each of these men finds it a profoundly humbling moment. They all become aware of their own limited and even sinful nature but this is only the first step because each of them/ while very aware of their own weakness/ knows that they are called to make God known to their contemporaries.
‘The paradox of faith is that even though an authentic experience of God makes us aware of our nothingness/ it is also the very moment when God makes it known that he needs us.’


Gospel Reflection courtesy of