Reopening of Churches

Published on May 7, 2021

Churches re-opening with congregations;

Following the announcement by the Government of New Public Health measures we are delighted to announce that we can return to Mass with a congregation tomorrow, Monday, 10th May.


Mass Times:

Weekend Mass times in the Parish Church will resume as follows;

Saturday 6 pm Vigil, 10.30 am & 12.30 pm, 9 am in Barrowhouse.

Weekday Mass in Athy parish is at 9.30 am preceded at 9 am with rosary.


The capacity of 50 people in one pod is to be adhered to.

The government guidelines allow for a capacity of greater than 50 where the size of the premises makes it possible.  The capacity of Athy church is 90 in 3 pods;

50 in the pod which is the main body of the church,

24 in the Sacred Heart transept,

16 in the BVM transept pod

90 =total



-Wear face masks

-Hand sanitise on entering the church

-Respect social distancing

-Remain in your pod and not move from one pod to another

-enter by one door and exit by another, following the stewards


We look forward to welcoming you back


Funerals and Weddings

The number of funerals and weddings are capped at 50 regardless of the size of the premises.

Funerals are still considered private family events.  The funeral will be livestreamed on and on parish radio 107.9 fm.


Last weekend: Common: €545 Share: € 295  Parish Dev: €504

your contributions are very much appreciated.