The Church-24 survey – an invitation to participate
You are being asked for 15 to 20 minutes of your time to complete a survey that will enable you to give your perspective, share what you believe about some significant issues, and relate your experiences of church life since the pandemic.
The Church-24 survey has three main objectives:
1. To listen to churchgoers on a range of long-standing issues and questions, particularly as they are being brought to light in the synodal process.
2. To explore some new issues that face us now, or soon will, but which were not talked about so much a decade ago, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, assisted dying or safeguarding procedures.
3. The Covid pandemic is over… or is it? What’s happened to you and your faith community since lockdowns ended?
To take part, follow this link…/SV_85QrAbqYzHWAcho…
or scan the QR code.